Shostakovich 5th Symphony A masterpiece of the genre, might be considered as a mined field for everyone who presents it in concerts. All along the symphony no 5, Theo Wolters recommended himself as to be an intelligent musician, who controlled the wild horses of the orchestra sections. It was a high quality concert definitely to be placed among the most outstanding we could listen at the Transsylvania Philharmonic. Theo Wolters managed to balance these contrasts because of the skilfully way he interrelated all the elements in the right proportions. Oleg Garaz - Transsylvanian Times Wie gut an diesem Abend Wolters und die Nürnberger Symphoniker harmonierten, zeigte sich schlussendlich auch an der 9. Sinfonie von Sjostakovich, die sie wie einen grotesken, irrwitzigen Totentanz in einem grellbunten Irrenhaus intonierten. Bravo! Abendzeitung |
The 1st concert this year of the Philharmonic Orchestra of Cluj, was held on January the 5th, under the baquette of the well-known, audiences favourite dutch conductor, Theo Wolters. He has proven his talents uncountable times by now on the stage and in front of the Transilvania Orchestra. No matter which musical period or style, he has very home-like movements, and with his suggestive gestures he always manages to accomplish positive changes in the interpretation of the orchestra, and the audience is applauding his productions with great joy and satisfaction each time. Szabadsag - Hungarian Newspaper Theo Wolters' spritziges, nervig gespanntes Musizieren ließ keinen Zweifel aufkommen, welch heiteres, formal überaus knappes, an Prokofievs Symphonie Classique anknüpfendes klassizistisches Werk der Komponist vorlegte. Nürnberger Zeitung |
Thanks tot the conductor, Dvoraks most popular work From the New World had a great success again. With his leadership and guidance, Theo Wolters always manages to lift the orchestra on a European-level-playing. Sokolov The conductor Theo Wolters was very preoccupied to balance and to take together the different groups of instruments, with his full-swing conducting he showed us the beauty, the value of this piece. Theo Wolters knowing perfectly the partiture, he stimulated the orchestra to a colourised, expressive performance. K. Gabriella Die schmerzliche Gratwanderung zwischen greller Überzeichnung und bloßgelegter Seelenlage, zwischen polternden Orchesterpassagen und anrührenden, nuancenreichen Soli, zwischem Marstritt und Opfertribut, meistert Wolters souverän - ohne sich im Pointendickicht zu verzetteln. Nürnberger Nachrichten |